
If you are a service business, such as a salon or an exercise studio, use a mobile app to allow customers to make appointments or sign up for classes via their smart phone or tablet. Then use text or SMS messaging to confirm appointments or classes and to send reminders.

Ideas for SMEs for mobile apps utilization

“Create a mobile app for your loyalty rewards program,” says Orndorff. “Customers who download the app get access to exclusive deals, early bird specials and more.” To make the app even more effective, survey customers (or have the app do it) to find out which rewards they prefer. “Not only […]

Mobile customer loyalty programs

Druhé nadnárodné stretnutie európskeho projektu Mobile Apps for VET bolo realizované v Bratislave. Stretnutie trvalo dva dni, medzi 16. a 17. júlom 2015. Stretnutie sa uskutočnilo v priestoroch Regionálnej rozvojovej agentúry Senec – Pezinok, ktorá je jedným z projektových partnerov. Boli prediskutované moduly pripravovaného kurikula ako aj dohoda ohľadom obsahu a rozdelenia zodpovednosti partnerov. […]

2. Nadnárodné stretnutie k projektu Mobile Apps for VET

Times have truly changed and it’s imperative for any business to quickly adapt with the latest technological developments. Noticeably, iPhone apps and other mobile applications are taking the world by storm. And majority of smart, forward-thinking entrepreneurs are taking advantage of this mobile apps phenomenon to further improve their business. […]

5 Ways Mobile Apps Can Help You Grow Your Business